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Celebrating 30 years

Helping Others Make A Difference®


Since 1995, The Yunker Group has appreciated the privilege

to serve as fundraising and search counsel to hundreds of

wonderful nonprofits from A (arts) to Z (zoos) internationally, nationally, regionally, and locally.


Now focused exclusively on executive search,

The Yunker Group suggests you consider these two relatively new fundraising consultancies founded by very talented, seasoned,

and philanthropy-tested practitioner-consultants.

Carry on!






You may also want to visit

The Giving Institute: https://www.givinginstitute.org

The Association of Philanthropic Counsel:  https://apcinc.org/

Who We Are

Founded in 1995 as Smith Beers Yunker & Company on the principle Helping Others Make a Difference®, The Yunker Group offers tailored C-level executive search services to 501(c)(3) and(c)(6) nonprofits.

What We Do

Whether we have completed a similar search for a like organization in the same community or a different cause in another state, our full attention and expertise is focused on finding the right person for your nonprofit.

Who We Serve

We take seriously our mission of Helping Others Make A Difference®

Check us out with organizations we have helped in a variety of ways and learn we’ve developed a reputation for telling leaders what they need to hear, not necessarily what they want to hear. We like Teddy Roosevelt’s admonition, “People Don’t Care What You Know Until They Know How Much You Care.” You will learn we care!

How may we help you? Contact The Yunker Group Today